B.S. in Environmental Sciences Curriculum

Our B.S. in Environmental Science degree is highly flexible. Review the curriculum guide below and meet with an advisor to find the emphasis and course schedule that matches your goals.

Degree Overview

You will take at least 120 units total:

  • General Education Courses (32-40 units)
  • Supporting Coursework (21 units)
  • Environmental Science Core Courses (40-43 units)
  • Subplan (27-29)

B.S. in Environmental Science Curriculum

General Education CourseUnits  32-40
Introduction to General EducationUNIV 1011
Foundation Mathematics: Moderate StrandMATH 112 (Consult with advisor)3
First Year Composition 1ENGL 1013
First Year Composition 2ENGL 102, OR 109H3
Foundation Second LanguageVarious (2nd semester proficiency)0-8
General Education, Exploring PerspectivesArtist3
General Education, Exploring PerspectivesHumanist3
General Education, Exploring PerspectivesNatural Scientist3
General Education, Exploring PerspectivesSocial Scientist3
General Education, Building ConnectionsBuilding Connections3
General Education, Building ConnectionsBuilding Connections3
General Education, Building ConnectionsBuilding Connections3
General Education Capstone CourseUNIV 3011

Supporting CourseworkCourseUnits (21)
General Chemistry I (Quantitative)
     OR Chemical Thinking I
     OR Honors Chemical Thinking I
CHEM 141*   & 145*
     OR 151
     OR 161 & 163
General Chemistry II (Quantitative)
     OR Chemical Thinking II
     OR Honors Chemical Thinking II
CHEM 142* & 146*
     OR 152
     OR 162 & 164
Introductory Biology I (Lecture)MCB 181R3
Biology of Environmental Systems
     OR Introductory Microbiology (Lecture)
ENVS 225
    OR MIC 205A
Introductory Biology II (Lecture)ECOL 182R3
Introductory Physics I
     OR Introductory Mechanics
PHYS 102/181
     OR 141

Environmental Science CoreCourseUnits (32)
Introduction to Soil Science & Soils LaboratoryENVS 200 & 2014
Environmental Essentials: A Global Approach to Saving Planet EarthENVS 2103
Critical Zone ScienceENVS 2703
Data Analysis in the Life and Environmental SciencesENVS 2753
Pollution ScienceENVS 3053
Environmental Chemistry (Choose one)
     Environmental Chemistry     
        OR Environmental Soil & Water Chemistry
        OR Environmental Organic Chemistry 
ENVS 340
    OR ENVS 462
    OR ENVS 464
Environmental Physics ENVS 4203
Environmental Ecology (Choose one)
     Environmental Microbiology
        OR Limnology
        OR Aquatic Plants & the Environment
        OR Freshwater & Marine Algae
        OR Principles of Ecotoxicology
ENVS 425
   OR 442
   OR 474
   OR 475
   OR 477
Environmental Assessment for Contaminated SitesENVS 4803

Career PreparationCourseUnits
Careers in Environmental ScienceENVS 195A1
Science Communications (Choose one) 
     Scientific Writing
        OR Translating Environmental Science
ENVS 408
   OR 415
Capstone (Choose one)
     Environmental Monitoring & Remediation
       OR Senior Capstone: Intro to Research I & II
ENVS 430 R/L
   OR 498A* & 498B*
Individual Student Presentation 0
Individual Studies: Directed Research, Internship, Teaching Workshop, Independent study, Practicum, OR ThesisENVS 392, 393, 397A, 399, 399H, 492, 493, 499, OR 499H1-3

Emphasis Areas

In addition to general education and core courses, you will choose one of four emphasis areas for further study (about 26 units)

The Biosphere Emphasis

Required CoursesCourseUnits (10)
Calculus  (Choose one) 
     Elements of Calculus
        OR Mathematics of Biological Systems
        OR First Semester Calculus
        OR Calculus I
MATH 113
   OR 119A
   OR 122B
   OR 125
Organic Chemistry I (Choose one)
    Organic Chemistry Lecture & Lab
       OR Organic Chemistry Lecture & Lab for chemistry majors
CHEM 241A & 243
   OR 246A & 247A
Ecology (Choose one)
        OR Natural Resources Ecology
ECOL 302
   OR RNR 316

Biosphere emphasis CoreCourseUnits (10)
Environmental MicrobiologyENVS 4253
Environmental Microbiology LabENVS 4262
Aquatic Plants & The EnvironmentENVS 4744
Microbial Biogeochemistry & Global ChangeENVS 410
Environmental Drivers of Plant AdaptationsENVS 4353
Green InfrastructureENVS 4503
Freshwater & Marine AlgaeENVS 4754
Principles of EcotoxicologyENVS 4773
Principles of Ecotoxicology LabENVS 477L1
BiochemistryBIOC 462A4-5
Metabolic BiochemistryBIOC 3853
Foundations in BiochemistryBIOC 3843
Lectures in Organic Chemistry (for chemistry majors)CHEM 246B3
Organic Chemistry LabCHEM 247B1
Organic Chemistry IICHEM 241B3
Organic Chemistry Lab IICHEM 243B 
EcologyECOL 3024
GeneticsECOL 3204
Evolutionary BiologyECOL 3354

Biosphere emphasis electives – complete 6 unitsCourseUnits
Soil Fertility & Plant NutritionENVS 3163
Collaborative Environmental Problem SolvingENVS 3503
Microbial Biogeochemistry & Global ChangeENVS 4103
Sustainable Management of Arid Lands and Salt-Affected SoilsENVS 401 3
Soil Genesis & ClassificationENVS 431 3
LimnologyENVS 4423
EcotoxicologyENVS 4773
Ecotoxicology LabENVS 477L1
Reclamation and Redevelopment of Impacted LandsENVS 4823
Living in SymbiosisECOL 3103
Conservation  Biology in the FieldECOL 406L1
Conservation BiologyECOL 406R3
Physical GeologyGEOS   2514
Ocean SciencesGEOS  412A4
Global Change GEOS 4783
Hydrology (Choose one)
     Watershed Hydrology
        OR Principles of Hydrology
WSM  460A
   OR HWRS 349A/B or 350
Molecular BiologyMCB 4113-4
Recombinant DNA Methods & ApplicationsMCB 4734
Microbial PhysiologyMIC 328R3
Microbial TechniquesMIC 421B 3
Natural Resources EcologyRNR 3163
Natural Resource Management PracticesRNR 3843
Applications of Geographic Information SystemsRNR 4033
Climate Change and Dryland Ecosystem EcologyRNR 4523
Conservation Biology (Choose one)
     Conservation Biology: Field Studies in Developing Countries (Namibia)
        OR Amazon Rainforest: Conservation Biology in Ecuador
RNR 495F
   OR RNR 495G

Leadership, Sustainability, and Communication Emphasis

Required CoursesCourseUnits (9 Units)
Environmental Health (Choose two)
     Ecosystem Health and Justice
         OR Toxic! The Anthropology of Exposure
         OR Reclamation and Redevelopment of Impacted Lands
         OR Environment, Health, and Society
ENVS 310
ANTH 373
ENVS 482
Communications (Choose one)    
   Translating Environmental Science
        OR Scientific Writing for Environmental, Agricultural & Life Sciences
        OR Communicating Knowledge in Agriculture and the Life Sciences
        OR Applied Organization Communication
        OR Environmental Journalism
        OR Issues in Covering Science and the Environment
        OR Science Journalism
        OR Science Communication
   ENVS 415
      OR ENVS 408
      OR ALC 422
      OR COMM 312
      OR JOUR 455
      OR JOUR 465
      OR JOUR 472
      OR SCI 401

Leadership, Sustainability and Communication emphasis coreCoursesUnits (11 units)
Environmental Anthropology (Choose one)
     Globalization, the Environment, and Indigenous Religions
        OR Ecological Anthropology
        OR Environmental Archaeology
   OR ANTH 307  
   OR ANTH 332
Teaching (Choose only one)
     Teaching Workshop
        OR Teaching Geosciences
        OR Undergrad Teaching Training in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
        OR Environmental Learning
   OR GEOS 397A
   OR ECOL 497A
   OR TLS 431
Teaching & Technology (Choose only one)
     Teaching with New Technologies
       OR Integrating Technology into the Curriculum
ETCV 310
   OR TLS 318
Additional Selectives to choose from  
Collaborative Environmental Problem SolvingENVS 3503
Reclamation and Redevelopment of Impacted LandsENVS 4823
Southwest Land & SocietyANTH/AIS/LAS  4183
Toxic! The Anthropology of ExposureANTH 3733
Introduction to Human Health Risk AssessmentEHS/ENVS 4183
U.S. Environmental HistoryHIST 3553
Global Environmental HistoryHIST 3563
Natural History of DisastersHIST 3583
Environmental EthicsPHIL/PA/PPEL 3233
Environmental PsychologyPSY 3743
Environmental SociologySOC 3073
Social Movements & ActivismSOC 3133
Environment, Health, and SocietySOC/CHS 3503

Leadership, Sustainability and Communication Emphasis Elective CoursesCourseUnits (9 units)
Conservation Biology: Field Studies in Developing CountriesENVS 495F3
Math (Choose only one)
     Mathematics of Biological Systems
        OR Elements of Calculus
        OR First Semester Calculus
        OR Calculus I
   MATH 119A
     OR MATH 113
     OR MATH 122B
     OR MATH 125
Political EcologyANTH 424A3
Environmental EconomicsECON/AREC 3733
Economics of Policy AnalysisAREC 4643
Environmental Law & EconomicsAREC 4763
Economic Analysis of Water, Food and Environmental PoliciesAREC/ENVS 4793
Weather, Climate, & SocietyATMO 3363
Conservation BiologyECOL 406R3
Environmental Studies: Ideas/InstitutionsEVS 2603
Environment and DevelopmentGEOG/EVS 3623
Environmental & Resource GeographyGEOG/EVS 4613
Introduction to DendrochronologyGEOS/ANTH 439A3
Global ChangeGEOS 4783
Natural History of DisasterHIST 3583
Environmental Law and PolicyLAW 4543
Public International Environmental LawLAW 4593
Global Climate Change: Integrating Science, Policy, & Decision MakingPA 4613
Formation of Public PolicyPA 4803
Environmental PolicyPA 4813
Environmental Land Use PlanningPLG 4723
Psychology of LeadershipPSYV 4713
Adaptation to Climate ChangeRNR 4403
Natural Resources Policy & LawRNR 4803
The Economics and Social Connections to Natural ResourcesRNR/PA 4853

Physical and Chemical Dynamics Emphasis

Required CoursesCourseUnits (7 units)
Math (Choose only one)
     Mathematics of Biological Systems
     First Semester Calculus
     Calculus I

MATH 125
Organic Chemistry ICHEM 241A & 243A4

Physical and Chemical Dynamics emphasis coreCourseUnits (13 units)
Environmental ChemistryENVS/GEOS 340 3
Microbial Biogeochemistry and Global ChangeENVS/ECOL/PLS 4103
LimnologyENVS 442 3
Environmental Soil & Water ChemistryENVS 4623
Environmental Organic ChemistryENVS 4643
Soil PhysicsENVS 4703
Principles of EcotoxicologyENVS 4773
Principles of Ecotoxicology LaboratoryENVS 477L1
Foundations in BiochemistryBIOC 3843
Metabolic BiochemistryBIOC 3853
BiochemistryBIOC 462A3-5
Organic Chemistry IICHEM 241B3
Physical ChemistryCHEM 480A3
Physical GeologyGEOS 2514
Hydrology (Choose only one)
     Watershed Hydrology
        OR Principles of Hydrology
   HWRS/WSM 460A 
      OR HWRS 349A/B or 350
HydrogeologyHWRS 4314
HydrologyHWRS/ATMO/CE 4233
Calculus IIMATH 1293
Physics (Choose only one)
     Introductory Physics II
        OR Introductory Mechanic
        OR Introductory Optics and Thermodynamics

PHYS 103
PHYS 141
PHYS 142

Physical and Chemical Dynamics emphasis elective coursesCourseUnits (6 units)
Environmental ChemistryENVS/GEOS 3403
Collaborative Environmental Problem SolvingENVS 3503
Sustainable Management of Arid Lands & Salt-Affected SoilsENVS 401 3
Microbial Biogeochemistry & Global ChangeENVS/ECOL/GEOS/PLS 4103
Environmental MicrobiologyENVS/MIC 4253
Soil Genesis, Morphology & ClassificationENVS 431 3
Biodegradation of Pollutants ENVS/MIC 4403
Green InfrastructureENVS/LAR/PLG/SBE 4503
Environmental Soil and Water ChemistryENVS 4623
Environmental Organic ChemistryENVS 4643
Reclamation and Redevelopment of Impacted LandsENVS 4823
Air Pollution I: GasesATMO 469A3
Air Pollution II: AerosolsATMO 469B3
Environmental & Water EngineersCHEE/CE 370R3
Environmental & Water Engineers LabCHEE/CE 370L1
Water Chemistry for EngineersCHEE 400R3
Water Chemistry for Engineers LabCHEE 400L1
Introduction to Hazardous Waste ManagementCHEE/CE 4783
Inorganic ChemistryCHEM 404A
Basic Laboratory SafetyCHEM 405A1
Introduction to GeochemistryGEOS 4003
Chemistry of the Solar SystemPTYS 4073

Soil, Air, and Water Emphasis

Required CoursesCourseUnits (6 units)
Math (Choose only one)
     Elements of Calculus
        OR Mathematics of Biological Systems
        OR First Semester Calculus
        OR Calculus I

MATH 113
   OR MATH 119A
   OR MATH 122B
   OR MATH 125
Soils (Choose one)
     Soil Ecology
        OR Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
        OR Sustainable Management of Arid Lands & Salt-Affected Soils
        OR Soil Genesis and Classification
        OR Soil Physics
        OR Reclamation and Redevelopment of Impacted Lands

ENVS 300
   OR ENVS 316
   OR ENVS 401
   OR ENVS 431
   OR ENVS 470
   OR ENVS 482

Soil, Air, and Water emphasis coreCourseUnits (12 units)
Soil EcologyENVS 3003
Soil Fertility & Plant NutritionENVS 3163
Collaborative Environmental Problem SolvingENVS 3503
Sustainable Management of Arid Lands & Salt-Affected SoilsENVS 4013
Microbial Biogeochemistry and Global ChangeENVS/ECOL/GEOS/PLS 4103
Soil Genesis, Morphology & ClassificationENVS 4313
LimnologyENVS 4423
Green InfrastructureENVS/LAR/SBE 4503
Water HarvestingENVS 4543
Environmental Soil and Water ChemistryENVS 4623
Soil PhysicsENVS 4703
Principles of EcotoxicologyENVS 4773
Principles of Ecotoxicology LabENVS 477L1
Reclamation and Redevelopment of Impacted LandsENVS 4823
Fundamentals of Atmospheric SciencesATMO 436A3
Organic Chemistry ICHEM 241A  3
Organic Chemistry Lab ICHEM 243A1
Ocean SciencesGEOS/ATMO/ENVS/ECOL 412A4
Hydrology (Choose only one)
     Watershed Hydrology
        OR Principles of Hydrology
        OR Principles of Hydrology (online)
   OR HWRS 350
   OR HWRS 349A & 349B* 
Physics (chose only one)
     Introductory Physics II
        OR Introductory Mechanic
        OR Introductory Optics and Thermodynamics
PHYS 103
PHYS 141
PHYS 142
GIS (Choose only one)
     Applications of Geographic Information Systems
        OR Geographic Information Systems for Natural & Social Science
   OR RNR/GEOG 417
Dryland Ecohydrology and Vegetation DynamicsRNR/ECOL/WSM 4524
Principals of Stratigraphy & SedimentationGEOS 3024
Geomorphology and Landscape EvolutionGEOS 4504
Global ChangeGEOS 4783
Environmentally Acquired IllnessesEHS 4203

Soil, Air, and Water emphasis elective coursesCourseUnits (8 units)
Environmental MicrobiologyENVS/MIC 4253
Environmental Microbiology LabENVS/MIC 4262
LimnologyENVS/ECOL 4423
Water HarvestingENVS/ECOL 4543
Aquatic Plants & the EnvironmentENVS/ECOL 4744
Freshwater & Marine AlgaeENVS/ECOL 4754
Principles of EcotoxicologyENVS 4773
Principles of Ecotoxicology LabENVS 477L1
Air Pollution I: GasesATMO 469A3
Air Pollution II: AerosolsATMO 469B3
Synoptic MeteorologyATMO 4713
Atmospheric ElectricityATMO 4893
Conservation BiologyECOL 406R3
Environmentally Acquired IllnessesEHS 4203
Soil EcologyENVS 3003
Introduction To Remote SensingGEOG/GIS/ENVS 3303
Geographical Applications of Remote SensingGEOG/ENVS 4833
Microbial Biogeochemistry and Global ChangeENVS/ECOL 4103
Introduction to Human Health Risk AssessmentEHS/ENVS 4183
Environmental Studies: Ideas and InstitutionsEVS 2603
Water, Environment, & SocietyGEOG/EVS 3043
Field Study in Geography WorkshopGEOG 397A1
Environmental & Resource GeographyGEOG/EVS/HWRS/LAS 4613
Physical Geology GEOS 2514
Glacial & Quaternary GeologyGEOS 4533
Natural History of DisastersHIST 3583
Conservation Planning & Wildland Recreation LAR 4483
Environmental Law and PolicyLAW 4543
Public International Environmental LawLAW 4593
Calculus IIMATH 1293
Global Climate Change: Integrating Science, Policy and Decision Making    PA/PLG 4613
The Economics & Social Connections to Natural ResourcesPA 4853
Environmental Land Use PlanningPLG 472 3
Rangeland Plant Communities of the WestRAM 3823
Management & Restoration of Wildlands VegetationRAM 4463
Dryland Ecohydrology and Vegetation DynamicsRAM/RNR/ECOL/WSM 4524
Rangeland Inventory & MonitoringRAM 456A3
Natural Resources MeasurementsRNR 3213
Conservation Planning & Wildland RecreationRNR 4483-4
Natural Resources Policy & LawRNR 4803
Natural Resources Economics & PlanningRNR 485A3
     Conservation Biology: Field Studies in Developing Countries (Namibia)RNR/ENVS 495F6
     Amazon Rainforest: Conservation Biology in EcuadorRNR/ENVS 495G3
Watershed ManagementWSM 4623
Wildland Water QualityWSM 4683