

Connecting the university to our communities.

Partnering with communities and industries.

Cooperative Extension works to improve lives, communities, and the economy through a statewide network of knowledgeable faculty and staff. As a part of our land-grant university, Cooperative Extension plays a critical role in our mission to educate our communities and empower the next generation of experts to grow sustainable regional and global economies, and to develop new knowledge and technologies to benefit society.

Extension Faculty

Cooperative extension faculty and our county agents apply data-driven research on weather and climate, water quality, food safety, and soil and land management to Arizona communities. From farmers and gardeners to government agencies, we help implement best practices and resources that keep our environments safe and sustainable.

Headshot of Dr. Karletta Chief

Karletta Chief

Full Professor and Specialist
Extension Specialist
Michael Crimmins

Michael Crimmins

Extension Specialist
Sharon Megdal

Sharon B. Megdal

Director, Water Resources Research Center
Professor and Specialist
Distinguished Outreach Professor
C.W. and Modene Neely Endowed Professor for Excellence in Agriculture and Life Science
Channah Rock Headshot

Channah Rock

Extension Specialist
Jim Brennan Endowed Chair in Extension Fresh Produce Safety
Headshot of Debankur Sanyal, Environmental Science Professor at University of Arizona

Debankur Sanyal

Assistant Specialist and Assistant Professor - Soil Health
Soil Health Specialist
James Walworth

James "Jim" Walworth

Professor Emeritus

Explore all that Extenion has to offer.

wwrc monsoon season

Water Resources Research Center

The Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) is a Cooperative Extension Center and research unit in the College of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences. They tackle key water policy and management issues, empower informed decision-making, and enrich understanding through engagement, education, and applied research.