About Us
Founded in agriculture, rooted in life.
We put science to work to identify and find solutions to the challenges facing our arid and water limited environments.
At the Department of Environmental Science, our goal is to be a premier center for learning, research and outreach that finds solutions to diverse environmental challenges to improve the quality of all life.
Our faculty, students, and staff take great pride in doing problem-solving research, teaching, and Cooperative Extension work that encompasses all aspects of environmental stewardship.
Our research spans the the full depth of environmental sciences with expertise in arid and semi-arid and water-limited regions. From microbial ecology and pollution dynamics to environmental justice and water equality, we educate and train future generations to solve environmental issues at the intersection of biology, chemistry, physics and social sciences. Our undergraduate and graduate programs provide students with hands-on training and skills that prepare them to tackle real-world environmental challenges in the lab and on the ground.
We believe science is boundless and are also proud to partner with the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in Yangling, China, to offer an innovative dual-degree program that allows students to earn a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Arizona and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in only four years. This partnership enables students in China to complete a U.S.-accredited degree entirely from our microcampus in Xi'an.
As a student - whether on our main campus in Tucson, online or abroad - you can tailor your degree to suit your interests and career goals. We pride ourselves in helping our students gain both the theoretical and practical skills needed to be future environmental scientists, consultants, hydrologists, or agronomists.

Our history
The Department of Environmental Science was first established in 1917 (as the Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soils) and courses included agricultural chemistry, soil physics, irrigation, soil chemistry, agricultural chemical analysis, food chemistry and textile and household chemistry.
Soil and water sciences, among other disciplines within the College of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences, have been fundamental pillars of the University of Arizona's Land-grant promise. In 1974, in order to meet the the evolving needs of sustainable tools and technology, the department expanded its curriculum to include engineering, changing our name to the Department of Soils, Water and Engineering. Later, the Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science.
From weather recording and data collection to commerce planning and flood-water prediction, our department has a long history of making waves in environmental policy and practice to ensure environmental health. Today, we strive to inform sustainable practices and adaptive strategies to address climate change, pollution, and water quality issues.