Graduate certificates

Graduate certificates

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Gain specialized expertise in Aquaculture, Water Policy, or Soil Science through our targeted graduate certificate programs.

Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture

The aquaculture certificate is perfect for graduate students, working professionals and international students looking to learn more about research, development and training in aquatic food production systems focused in arid environments and developing countries.

Current research includes rearing fish and shrimp in irrigation systems, fish and shrimp nutrition and pathology, re-use of effluents as fertilizers for field crops and improving soils with fish wastes, and sustainable systems including aquaponics and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. The certificate requires a minimum of 12 graduate course units with up to 6 units of transfer credit. Contact our graduate coordinators for more information.

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Graduate Certificate in Water Policy

The water policy certificate is intended for those who seek a deeper understanding of the scientific, technical and political aspects of water issues from an interdisciplinary group of faculty. The certificate requires 12 units of graduate credit.

This certificate is offered through the School of Geography, Development & Environment. Visit the Water Policy Certificate page to learn more.

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Certified Professional Soil Scientist

Undergraduate seniors and graduate students looking for a career as a consultant, research or teacher in soil science are encouraged to become certified via Soil Science of America (SSSA).

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