Daniel Tang

Global Professor


ENVS 305: Pollution Science


  • Prevalence and fates of persistent and emerging organic pollutants such as microplastics
  • Climate change and its impacts on ecosystems, societies and health
  • Education for sustainable development
  • Bioremediation of pollutants in water and soil
  • Occupational safety and health

Dr. Daniel Tang is a global professor of the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Arizona Microcampus in the Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China. Prior to joining the University of Arizona, he worked as an academic in two other international institutions of higher learning for 10 years. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. In addition, he is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Environmentalist registered with the Energy Institute, United Kingdom. He is also a registered EIA consultant with vast experience managing environmental projects particularly environmental impact assessment and management plans. He is active in research related to climate change, environmental management, environmental education, sustainable development and occupational health and safety. He has published more than 70 articles in these genres. He serves in the editorial boards of and as a reviewer for multiple journals.


Tang, K. H. D., Lock, S. S. M., Yap, P. S., Cheah, K. W., Chan, Y. H., Yiin, C. L., ... & Chai, Y. H. (2022). Immobilized enzyme/microorganism complexes for degradation of microplastics: A review of recent advances, feasibility and future prospects. Science of The Total Environment, 154868.

Liu, T., Miao, P., Shi, Y., Tang, K. H. D., & Yap, P. S. (2022). Recent advances, current issues and future prospects of bioenergy production: a review. The Science of the Total Environment810, 152181.

Kristanti, R. A., Mardarveran, P., Almaary, K. S., Elshikh, M. S., AbdelGawwad, M. R., & Tang, D. K. H. (2022). Phytoremediation of bauxite wastewater potentiality by Jatropa curcas. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 1-7.

Tang, K. H. D. (2022). Impacts of COVID-19 on primary, secondary and tertiary education: a comprehensive review and recommendations for educational practices. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 1-39.

Tang, K. H. D., Darwish, N. M., Alkahtani, A. M., AbdelGawwad, M. R., & Karácsony, P. (2022). Biological Removal of Dyes from Wastewater: A Review of Its Efficiency and Advances. Tropical Aquatic and Soil Pollution2(1), 59-75.

Tang, K. H. D. & Hadibarata, T. (2022). Seagrass meadows under the changing climate: A review of the impacts of climate stressors. Research in Ecology, 4(1), 27-36.

Tang, K. H. D. (2022). Climate change policies of the four largest global emitters of greenhouse gases: Their similarities, differences and way forward. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 10(2), 19-35.

Tang, K. H. D., Kristanti, R. A. (2022). Bioremediation of perfluorochemicals: current state and the way forward. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 1-17.

Yang, M., Chen, L., Msigwa, G., Tang, K. H. D., & Yap, P. S. (2021). Implications of COVID-19 on global environmental pollution and carbon emissions with strategies for sustainability in the COVID-19 era. Science of the Total Environment, 151657.

Tang, K. H. D. (2021). The effects of climate change on occupational safety and health. Global Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3, 1-10.

Choong, W. S., Hadibarata, T., Yuniarto, A., Tang, K. H. D., Abdullah, A., Syafrudin, M., Al Farraj, D. A., & Al-Mohaimeed, A. M. (2021). Characterization of microplastics in the water and sediment of Baram River estuary, Borneo Island. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172, 112880.

Tang, K. H. D., & Hadibarata, T. (2021). Microplastics removal through water treatment plants: Its feasibility, efficiency, future prospects and enhancement by proper waste management. Environmental Challenges, 100264.

Liong, R. M. Y., Hadibarata, T., Yuniarto, A., Tang, K. H. D. & Khamidun, M. H. (2021). Microplastic occurrence in the water and sediment of Miri River estuary, Borneo Island. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 232(8), 1-12.

Tang, K. H. D., & Chin, B. L. F. (2021). Correlations between control of COVID-19 transmission and influenza occurrences in Malaysia. Public Health, 198, 96-101.

Tan, K. L., Sia, J. K. M., & Tang, D. K. H. (2021). To verify or not to verify: using partial least squares to predict effect of online news on panic buying during pandemic. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

Wong, J. K. H., Lee, K. K., Tang, K. H. D., & Yap, P. S. (2020). Microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments: Prevalence, fates, impacts and sustainable solutions. Science of the Total Environment719, 137512.

Tang, K. H. D. (2022). Movement control as an effective measure against Covid-19 spread in Malaysia: an overview. Journal of Public Health30(3), 583-586.

Bong, J. T., Loy, A. C. M., Chin, B. L. F., Lam, M. K., Tang, D. K. H., Lim, H. Y., ... & Yusup, S. (2020). Artificial neural network approach for co-pyrolysis of Chlorella vulgaris and peanut shell binary mixtures using microalgae ash catalyst. Energy207, 118289.

Tang, K. H. D. (2020). Hydroelectric dams and power demand in Malaysia: A planning perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production252, 119795.

Tang, K. H. D., Awa, S. H., & Hadibarata, T. (2020). Phytoremediation of copper-contaminated water with Pistia stratiotes in surface and distilled water. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution231(12), 1-16.


  • BSc in Chemistry and Biology from Campbell University, North Carolina
  • MSc in Environmental Engineering from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • PhD in Engineering Management – Occupational Safety from the University of Malaya, Malaysia